Launched: 18 new school sponsorships

The school year is running in Tanzania and – thanks to your donations – 18 young people from very poor families had been accepted at the vocational school in Dareda.
Five pupils will be trained as carpenters, five as metalworkers and eight young people will become tailors (including two boys). Most of them have grown up in great poverty with one parent and many siblings. For financial reasons, they would not have been able to attend a qualifying school. All of them are very grateful for this opportunity to be part of the ped project.

There were 54 applications for the school sponsorships. So if you could provide a young person with an education for one or three years, please let us know. You would be giving a young person a chance for the future. Click here to donate.
A metal workshop for solar cookers and wood-burning stoves was set up at the vocational school in summer 2023. Since then, thanks to your donations, 16 solar cookers and just as many wood-saving stoves have been donated to schools, kindergartens and orphanages. Production continues!

Our special thanks go to EG-Solar e.V. ! The association has supported us greatly in the realisation of the solar cooker project – not only through the voluntary work of Hans Michlbauer, but also through donations of 100 sets of mirror plates for the solar cookers and numerous metal construction machines.

The nappy sewing projects have also progressed well. Last year, 250 newborn babies were provided with nappies and three women were able to earn a good additional income.

Geschrieben von Christina Bösenberg